Welcome to this week’s edition of the Five Minute Friday writing link-up!

Learn more about the link-up and how it works here.

This week’s FMF writing prompt is: FLEE




These past two weeks have been heavy with devastation in the southeastern portion of the United States, first from the ravaging effects of Hurricane Helene, and now the more recent torment of Hurricane Milton so close behind.

Perhaps you have been personally affected. If so, I’m so sorry. I really can’t imagine.

I sat in the safety of my home in West Michigan and saw pictures and videos online of highways completely blocked by miles and miles of vehicles trying to flee from the coming storms to places of refuge.

I tried to imagine what it would have been like to pack only what one vehicle could hold, and not know if I would ever see my home still standing and in tact again, or any of my other belongings.

I watched those images and videos and it made me think of Scripture passages that warn us to flee from the wrath to come.

And as unimaginably powerful and unbearable as these past two storms have been, how much greater will God’s power be when He comes to judge the earth?

But how can we escape it? How and where can we flee? What can protect us from God’s wrath?

Only the blood of Christ.

All we can do is hide ourselves in Him by faith, and He will cover us with His righteousness and all-sufficient sacrifice on the cross.

He is our refuge, our safety, our protector, our defender from the coming storm.

Thanks be to God.






We all have a story to tell. Is it time to share yours?

Check out the Share Your Story Bundle here 

share your story




And psst . . . At the time of posting, one of my favorite books on writing is currently 51% off on Amazon!

writing down the bones


Buy it for yourself as an early Christmas present or stash it away for a writer friend’s birthday.



Join us as we freewrite for five minutes on the prompt, FLEE, then visit your link-up neighbor to read their post and leave an encouraging comment: 

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