It’s time for the final Five Minute Friday link-up of October!

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This week’s FMF writing prompt is: WEIGHT




This past week I shared the following post on Instagram and on Facebook:

Here it is in plain text if the above post did not show up for you:


Today my 17-year-old son had to go shopping for funeral clothes so he can speak at his best friend’s memorial service tomorrow.


Those are words you never, ever wish to write about your kid.


His dear friend died in a tragic accident on Saturday, and we are all gutted.


Please pray for the family, the school community, and his church.


Rosbin, we miss you. We loved you.


And by God’s grace, because of Jesus Christ, I can say with a certain hope that we’ll see you soon.


When I do, maybe you’ll make me even better cornbread than you did here, and maybe I can make you even fancier hot chocolate than I did before.



Since then, I’ve been listening to the song, “Though You Slay Me” by Shane and Shane on repeat:


And while this trial certainly does not feel “light” or “momentary” as 2 Corinthians 4:17 says, I can still ask God to help me believe that the seemingly unbearable weight of this burden on my son, his friend’s family, the school community, the church, and so many more who knew and loved Rosbin will indeed be “achieving for us an eternal weight of glory that far outweighs them all” (2 Cor. 4:17).






Letters to Grief

grief book



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