Welcome to this week’s edition of the Five Minute Friday link-up!
If you’re new, a special welcome to you. You can click here to learn more about the link-up and how it works.
This week’s FMF writing prompt is: FAVOR
Setting my timer for five minutes, and . . . GO.Â
If you’ve been following these posts lately, you’ll know that my son had an extremely rough final quarter of 2024. He broke his knee playing in a soccer game in September, three weeks before the end of his high school senior season. In October, is best friend died in an accident. In November and December, he had a fever and other symptoms for 29 days with no diagnosis.
In late December, we glimpsed signs of the Lord’s favor. He was notified that he was a finalist in a college scholarship he has been working toward for the past three years. He had to go for an in-person interview the first week of January as the final step in the application process.
That same week, he found out that he had been awarded the scholarship. Praise the Lord.
While the application process and all the prerequisites to apply certainly took a significant amount of work and time on my son’s part, the fact that he received the scholarship is nothing short of the Lord’s mercy, grace, and favor.
Of course the Lord would still be just as good if my son didn’t get the scholarship and we would just trust that it wasn’t part of God’s plan for him . . . but in His kindness, the Lord gave it to him and we are just so grateful. Humbled and full of gratitude.
Speaking of favors . . . (I promise I did *not* think of this connection until far later than I should have . . .)
After a technical glitch, my two latest books are *finally* on Goodreads!Â
(And by finally, I mean it took me a whole year after the books released
to email Goodreads support and they fixed the issue within like 12 hours . . . Ha!)
Anyway, about that favor . . .
If you are on Goodreads, could you pretty pretty please go in and mark my two latest books as “Want to Read” or “Read,” depending on which category fits you best? 🙂
Here’s the link to Letters to Grief on Goodreads
Here’s the link to 101 Prayers for Comfort in Difficult Times on Goodreads
And if you have read one or both books, if you’re willing to leave a star rating
and a brief review I would be ever so grateful.
Thank you for considering!
Join us with your own five-minute freewrite on the prompt, FAVOR, below, then visit your link-up neighbor to read their post and leave an encouraging comment:Â
I am wearied of the labour
that accrues from this malignancy,
but Lord, if You would show me favour,
let that now depart from me
and be gifted to another
who is center of the life
of father, mother, sister, brother,
friends and a husband or a wife,
for I’ve got what I have deserved,
and I am trained to take the pain
in theatres in which I’ve served,
so let me take up arms again
and let motive be understood:
let my death protect the good.
Congratulations. Perseverance for the win.
Congratulations to your son, Kate. That warms my heart.
How wonderful for your son’s efforts to be rewarded. Congratulations!