I recently had the opportunity to attend the Breathe Christian Writers Conference in Grand Rapids, Michigan. Attending a writing conference is such a fabulous way to refuel your motivation to write.


want to be a writer


Here are some inspirational writing quotes that I took away from the conference:


From Ingrid Lochamaire: 

“Stack up your words as an altar to God. Build an altar of words to declare His faithfulness.”


From Don Perini: 

“Resistance comes in many forms for the writer: perfectionism, fear, procrastination, self doubt, busyness, distractions. The only way to fight resistance is to do something about it.”

“You have a story to tell that no one else can tell. Get to work.”

[Tweet “”You have a story that no one else can tell. Get to work.” ~ Don Perini, @BreatheConf #BreatheCWC”]

“Your worth is not based on what you write or how well you write it.”

“Grieve the stories you won’t be writing. Then pick one and write it.”


writing quotes


From Leslie Leyland Fields: 

“No one else sees the slant of light the way you do.”

“The book of this world is not finished without your story in it.”

“In a darkened world, our stories offer light and hope.”

“A beauty-hungry world needs our best stories written patiently and artfully.”


From Alexis De Weese: 

Oh, and I can’t leave out this snippet of the conference benediction, written by Alexis De Weese. It’s like she had my book in mind when she wrote the last line of this prayer:

Give our words a place to land. Give our hearts a glimpse of home.” Amen.


And one more bonus writing quote in case the above were not enough to persuade you: 

[Tweet “”If you wish to be a writer, write.” ~ Epictetus #writingtips #writingquotes”]


What are your favorite writing quotes? Share in the comments below! 


Christian writer

This post is Day 12 in the series 31 Days in the Life of a Christian Writer. To see more posts from this series, click here.

This post was also written in five minutes flat, in conjunction with the 31 Days of Five Minute Free Writes Challenge.



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