It’s writing prompt time!

Welcome to the weekly Five Minute Friday blog link-up, where we free write for five minutes flat on a one-word prompt every week.

Visit this page for instructions on how to join the link-up.

This week’s FMF writing prompt is: BUILD

Ready? GO.

One evening this past summer, my family and I decided to take a picnic to the beach.

Shortly after we spread our blanket on the sand, one of my kids yelled, “Mom, look!”

I looked up and saw them pointing at something further down the beach.

It was an enormous sandcastle, almost as tall as me.

I made sure I had my phone in my pocket so I could take a picture and walked down the beach with my kids to go take a closer look.

It was magnificent. The detail was incredible. I could only imagine how long it took to build.

We looked around and asked other bystanders if they knew who built it.

“No, we just got here. We have no idea.”

There was no name, sign, or signature in the sand. No indication at all as to who was the talented artist (or artists).

This amazing, anonymous work of art made me appreciate art for the sake of art . . . not for the sake of recognition.

The sand castle builders could have made sure that people knew exactly who they were . . . but they just created their masterpiece to the best of their ability, and left.

Without acknowledgment or recognition.

Is this how I approach my writing?

Do I write for the sake of creating something beautiful? Or am I looking for a byline or an acknowledgement of a job well done?



Have you been following our Influence Series?

Influence Series

The first two interviews went live this week:

Chapter 1 :: Tension :: Interview with Shannon Popkin

Chapter 2 :: Fear :: Interview with Alia Joy

Sign up here to receive the rest of the interviews in via email (twice per week for the next five weeks).


Join the link-up with your own five minute free write below, then be sure to visit your link-up neighbor to leave an encouraging comment!

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