Welcome to the Influence Interview Series!

I am so glad you’re here, and I hope this series will be a great blessing to you.

Over the next six weeks, we’ll be discussing two chapters per week from the book, Influence: Building a Platform that Elevates Jesus (Not Me).

I’ll be posting new video interviews every Monday and Wednesday from February 4th through March 13th, 2019.

Sign up HERE to receive each new interview in your inbox!

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Our very first interview is with my co-author, Shannon Popkin!

We’re kicking off this discussion with a conversation about the tension that so many of us feel as Christian writers, speakers, and influencers, when we discover that we’re supposed to build a platform.

Enjoy the video! (Click here if you don’t see the video appearing below.)


Want to listen to the audio version only? Here you go!

In this interview, Shannon addresses topics like:

  • The tension that many Christian writers feel when trying to build a platform
  • Passages from the Bible that can help Christians view platform building in a more God honoring way
  • Dangers to guard against as Christians seeking to use our gifts
  • The importance of depending on God in all that we do as Christian communicators
  • . . . and much more!

After listening to the conversation, leave a comment below to share what impacted you most!

(And remember, if you’d like to receive this series of interviews in your inbox, you can sign up here.)

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Shannon Popkin is a wife and mom, a writer and speaker, a small group leader and Bible teacher.

Her first book, Control Girl: Lessons on Surrendering Your Burden of Control from Seven Women in the Bible, released in January, 2017.

As a speaker, Shannon loves combining her gifts for humor and storytelling with her passion for Jesus and the truth of God’s Word. She speak for ladies’ events, retreats, and moms groups.

Shannon loves sharing life with Ken, who–after 22 years–still makes her laugh every day. Together, they live the fast-paced life of parenting two college-aged kids and a teen.

Follow Shannon on social: Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Pinterest!

Thanks so much for being here!

Come back on Wednesday for Chapter 2 as we discuss some of the fears that often accompany platform building from a Christian perspective.

Hope to see you then!

Oh, and don’t forget to grab your free bonus material below:

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