Welcome to Week 2 of our Influence Online Book Discussion!

Last week we talked about the Tension of Platform Building and Overcoming Fear with our guests. If you didn’t get a chance to see our videos with Shannon and Alia Joy, check them out!

Our six-week discussion on Influence: Building a Platform that Elevates Jesus (Not Me) started last week and continues with two posts per week for five more weeks. Want to get the interviews in your inbox? Sign up here.

If you’d still like to purchase a copy of the book, you can do so here:


Just so you know, affiliate links are used, at no extra cost to the purchaser.

The plan for our online book discussion is to post video interviews with guests every Monday and Wednesday for six weeks — and we’re already into Week 2!

Follow along from February 4th to March 13th to catch every conversation.

. . .AND we have some pretty sweet bonus content for our readers! You can sign up for free Bible memory verse cards and printable worksheets below:

Influence bonus graphics

My interview this week is with the lovely Grace Cho. Grace is an awesome person to have a conversation with — especially about calling and fear (or aversion to) when it comes to writing.

Enjoy our conversation!

Want to listen to the audio only? Click below to listen in!


Here are some of the questions Grace answers in this interview:

  • How would you define “calling” as it pertains to a Christian’s work or ministry?
  • What advice would you offer to Christians who are struggling to discern their calling or gifts?
  • For people who are hesitant to use their gifts, how can a person’s sense of calling help to instill confidence or motivation to fight against fears and use the gifts God has given?
  • What advice or encouragement can you give to those who feel called to write, but are holding back because of certain fears?

Grace offers some wonderful wisdom and advice that you won’t want to miss!

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Grace P. Cho is a writer and editorial manager at (in)courage. In the middle of her years in church ministry, she sensed God moving her toward writing to use her words to lead others in a broader context. Aside from her work online, she does this through speaking, mentoring, and coaching. Her favorites include speaking truth through story, coffee of any kind, and desert landscapes. Get to know Grace on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter!

What a great start to Week 2 of 6 of our Influence online book discussion!

On Wednesday I’ll share my interview with Quantrilla Ard on Chapter 4: Foreword.

Have you downloaded your book freebies yet?

Here they are again, just in case you missed it earlier:

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