Welcome to this week’s edition of the Five Minute Friday link-up!
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This week’s FMF writing prompt is: UNDECIDEDÂ
Setting a timer for five minutes, and . . . GO.Â
My youngest is in his senior year of high school and is neck deep in college and scholarship applications. When the question comes up on the screen about “intended major,” he usually marks “Undecided.” He has some ideas and areas of interest, but none strong enough to make a firm commitment just yet.
This week I submitted my fourth book manuscript to my publisher. Some of the material in this book originated nine years ago. It feels strange that it’s out of my hands now and after working on it for so long, a question begins to form at the back of my mind: “Now what?” I am undecided.
In both instances described above, I’m acutely aware that in time, the Lord will make these things known. He will make a way, open a door, clear a path, help us decide. What seems unclear now will be made known. What seems ambiguous will be made clear.
At the end of the day, these decisions about the future are minuscule compared to the most important decision of all: the decision to follow Jesus Christ. On that front, it’s impossible to remain undecided. The Bible says if we’re not for Him, we’re against Him.
And that is the only decision in life that will have eternal consequences.
Speaking of being undecided, I was blessed to go on a personal writing retreat last weekend to finish my book, and I walked to the camp store on Saturday for some ice cream. I could *not* decide which flavor I wanted so instead of getting one large, I got a small in one flavor and a junior in the other! Evidence pictured in this reel I created from my weekend away.Â
I usually share writing-related resources here, but I recently saw that these Jen Wilkin books
are all on a STEEP discount on Amazon ($6 or less!) and they’re all SO good!
Order some for Christmas gifts, your church library, your book club, or yourself!
Women of the Word: https://amzn.to/4dsTU40
In His Image: https://amzn.to/3XRWIll
None Like Him: https://amzn.to/3XQxILo
Join us in the link-up with your own five-minute freewrite below, then visit your link-up neighbor to read their post and leave an encouraging comment:
You can be undecided,
choose not to make a choice,
but in a nation so divided,
you sacrifice the voice
that can make a difference,
that can save a nation
(I do not make an inference,
for that is not my station).
But standing by with folded arms
is no absolution,
for an aggregate of harms
may be, at end, solution
to the mess that rules this land,
that many would not understand.
Three minutes flat.
Nice! That’s where my mind went too…
Sometimes I think indecision stems from a fear of change. Things get pushed to the back burner, because I’m unsure if I have the courage to move forward. I’m at retirement age, and I must say I’m quite good at it. I often joke that I have a master’s degree in Children’s Literacy and a PhD in relaxation. It’s not that I shy away from hard work—I just know that if I choose, I don’t have to do anything. But God brings conviction and often moves me to serve Him—to join that ministry, forgive that sister, disciple that new Christian, etc.
It’s great having a friend in Jesus, the gift of the Holy Spirit, and the ability to hear His voice. When our ears are attentive and our hearts are open, He will help us make those decisions.
But, for now, when it comes to getting a part-time job, I’m still undecided. Buying a vacation home? Also undecided. Some relationships can leave me undecided as well, as I ask myself, “Is this really meant to be?” So, I’m waiting for Jesus to help me decide on these things.
Gratefully, there’s one thing I’m never undecided about: my relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ, who saved me from countless sins. I have no doubt about walking this path with Him—after all, where else would I go, and what else would I do? He alone has the words of eternal life. Thank you, Jesus, for helping me make my decision to follow You.
Undecided… not choosing is a choice. Procrastination is a choice. Can we ever really be undecided? Is it even possible. Because by not deciding we are actually deciding to not decide. Unknown is more like it, right? Or maybe even the idea of resting… when I am undecided, how will I act, how will I think, what will I wonder and ponder? I want to be in a place of rest as I decide what is undecided. Lord help it be so.